Monday, January 26, 2009

Get Involved!

In today's highly competitive job market your involvement in school clubs and organizations could be the difference in placing a desired job upon graduation. Bachelor's degrees are becoming more common and your resume could use a little more than just that to beef it up and make it more competitive. An easy way to make yourself and your resume more appealing is to join some campus clubs or organizations. 

Campus clubs and organizations offer a variety of benefits to members. The fees and time put in is absolutely worth the rewards if you seek to have an edge over your competition in the job market. Not only do club memberships offer resume improvement, but they can also give you a better insight into a desired career. 

Maybe you think you'd like to become a lawyer, but you're not quite sure what all the duties of the job are and the things you'd have to do to become one. Well joining the Pre Law Club would help figure these things out. Not only would you figure these things out, but clubs would also help its members prepare to take exams like the LSAT, which are difficult ventures even with the help of a club, imagine taking it on without help. 
And even if you are the brightest of your class, landing a job sometimes takes a little extra. Connections. Making valuable connections lead to a chance for more opportunities. Knowing people can make all the difference. A club or organization is a prime opportunity for making some connections that could be helpful later on. Also, clubs are sometimes the primary target for grad schools when looking through applications. Holding a position in the club will only make yourself standout more, so don't just settle after joining. 

So go join a club! Get involved in an organization! Here's a link to the list of all the clubs and organizations at BSU.

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